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Po-Hung in full Taiwanese National Dress What was it like growing up gay in Taiwan? Po-Hung gave us the full lowdown about the gay life of Taiwan, what it's like growing up gay here and other invaluable local tips. #Gay teen twink bareback gay xvideos full I grew up in the 1990s and 2000s, which was a time of great change in Taiwan (see next question). Growing up, I never experienced any homophobia in Taiwan. There's always been a place I could go to hang out with other gays and make friends. Whilst society always has its bad eggs, I've found Taiwanese society to be very accepting. I think part of this is because, over the past 20-30 years, we see more gay characters represented in the media and on Taiwanese TV/cinema. This has definitely helped to “normalize” us and show that we are not freaks of nature! For example, in the late 1980s, author Pai Hsien-yung published a famous gay novel called “Crystal Boys”, which was recently made into a gay TV series. #Gay teen twink bareback gay xvideos tv.

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